After an inadvertant hiatus, we now continue with our ongoing Battle Of The Bad Costumes!
I can't wait to see what happens this time!
Remember, I need your help! Vote NOW!
In this corner, our first combatant comes from the suggestion of reader BEMaven! Look on in wonderment, while the Red Bee as depicted by the great Lou Fine on HIT Comics #1, 1940 strides out of the locker room! The Red Bee comes to the ring wearing his original red and yellow costume, complete with horizontal striped spandex tights, a red burglar mask, and foofy, poofy, sheer gossamer sleeves.
His challenger, the Black Condor, as depicted by another Golden Age great, Gil Fox, from CRACK Comics #22, 1942, sports an augmented swimming trunk type outfit, with purple booties, purple 'wings/cape' attached to both wrists, purple belted swim trunks, and lastly his bare chest is covered (barely) by a diagonal strap, and a purple dickie...ahem...not going there...
Please help me decide which super costume is the absolute worst, by voting via leaving a comment!
I can't do this without your help!
So far you've helped me decide which costume is more atrocious, B'wana Beast or the Golden Age Unknown Soldier (to be revealed soon)!
Now, gentlemen, I want a clean fight...when you hear the bell, I want you both to come out...swishing?
Let the battle BEGIN!
As an extra bonus, I am including each hero's respective origin story, from HIT #1 and CRACK #1.
Please vote for the worst costume only, not the story! Thank you!
From HIT COMICS #1, 1940
Story by Toni Blum(?), art by Charles Nicholas(?)
From CRACK COMICS #1, 1940
Story by Will Eisner, art by Lou Fine
It seems these two heros experienced wardrobe updates from issue to issue, so for no reason, I will also display some bonus imagery from various covers.
Here the Red Bee trades his striped tights for solid red.
Art by Lou Fine.
The very next issue, he is wearing solid yellow tights!
Art by Lou Fine.
Check out the girlish gams on the Black Condor!
Art by Gil Fox.
Art by Gil Fox.
Art by Gil Fox.
Keep those legs crossed...please!
Or buy some long pants!
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(PS - If you know of any other hideous costumed heros, won't you let me know, like BEMaven did?
Your suggestion may be the next bout! Together we can determine the worst superhero wardrobe ever!)
Thank you!